2013 KOH Ultra4 4 Wheel Parts
Qualifiers starting order
ACERNI Team #4489, will start in the Power Hour on Tuesday!
Exciting!! No pressure!!
17 Jan 2013
starting order for the KOH 2013 Qualifier has been drawn and Pier Acerni, owner
CEO of Acerni Offroad from Italy, is the number 82 on Tuesday - this is part of
the 'Power Hour' aimed at giving the spectators a real clutch of must-see
Yes, you heard correct, The Acerni Offroad who built “Black Jaws EVO II”
will be put through of world’s toughest off road adventures and challenges,
The King of the Hammers 2013 will be a great place to run our rig. We have always believed, if you build
products for a vehicle and have the opportunity, you should run them
yourself. So when the opportunity came
along from Ultra4 Racing and AWDC to be able to race in King of the Hammers,
Pier jumped at the chance.
Now it is our time, Acerni will be racing at
“Power Hour” on Tuesday, start order qualifiers.
Thanks to you and all these great companies, who are sponsoring Acerni Team, we are
going to be able to race KOH and showcase
all of these production products on our rig.
Please support our sponsors. You can follow the adventure live on Acerni Offroad Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/acerni.shop?ref=hl and on www.acerni.com
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